
The Way Back Home




绘本作者Oliver Jeffers




Shining star Oliver Jeffers is back with this star spangled inter-galactic adventure tale in space! One day a boy finds an aeroplane in his cupboard. Up, up, up and away he flies, high into the sky. Whizzing past clouds, stars and planets until suddenly, he runs out of petrol! Miles from earth, the boy crashes into the moon and waits. Just as he is beginning to get cold and lonely, a friendly martian appears from the darkness, also with a broken aircraft. Together they come up with a super plan to float the boy back down to earth to collect his toolbox. Can the boy find his way back home safely and will he ever make it back up to the moon to rescue his friend?

Oliver Jeffers is a fresh new talent in picture books. He graduated from The University of Ulster in 2001 with First Class honours and has since exhibited his paintings around the world. His outstanding talent has already been recognised by several high-profile awards, including the Nestle Children's Book Prize Gold Award, the Blue Peter Book of the Year Award and the Irish Children's Book of the Year.
Oliver Jeffers 1977年出生于澳洲,成长于北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特 (Belfast),毕业自乌尔斯特大学(Ulster University)主修插画与视觉传达(Illustration and Visual Communication),Jeffers年纪轻轻但才华洋溢,1995年到1998年期间,在贝尔法斯特开过几次小型画展,同时帮当地的出版社设计书封。大学期间,曾休学一年 (1999-2000年)到美国及澳洲旅行,停留雪梨期间,以自由画家的身份为当地的杂志社工作;画风也引起Lavazza咖啡公司的注意,委托Jeffers为其绘制耶诞贺卡,并邀请Jeffers在雪梨当地的咖啡节 (the Aroma coffee festival at The Rocks, Sydney)担任驻点艺术家,在数千名观众面前现场作画。2000年Jeffers 结束旅行返回美国,继续大学学业,并以优异的成绩毕业,而大学的后一年,Jeffers在John Hewitt Bar举办了一场非常成功的展览,主题是“酒吧里的男孩”(Boys At The Bar),描绘贝尔法斯特的饮酒文化,此展吸引了大批媒体前往采访,16幅作品在开幕当晚卖出。
当Jeffers发现没有人相信他现在所做的事,他决定开始走向儿童绘本,于是丰富的旅行冒险经验皆成为创作缪思,作品《How to Catch a Star》灵感来自于在澳洲时,坐在雪梨的防波堤上,仰望天空;由于没有经纪人,Jeffers毛遂自荐将作品寄给HarperCollins出版社,也获得出版社的青睐,2004年开始为Jeffers 出版童书。《How to Catch a Star》入围Booktrust Early Years Award for Best New Illustrator (英国图书信托基金会的绘者奖),2005年获得Bisto Book of Year Awards,接下来的作品《Lost and Found》,荣获Gold Award at Nestle Children's Book Prize (英国雀巢儿童书奖金奖);Jeffers的作品持续在各大城市展出。



